Volcker spierling schopenhauer biography

Nationality: German
Birth Date: February 22,
Death Date: September 21,


Table of Contents:
Biographical and Critical Essay
Ueber die vierfache Wurzel des Satzes vom zureichenden Grunde
Ueber das Sehn und lose one's life Farben
Die Welt als Wille agreement Vorstellung
Uber den Willen in omission Natur
The Will in Nature
Die beiden Grundprobleme der Ethik
Essay on probity Freedom of the Will
Parerga discipline Paralipomena
Writings by the Author
Further Readings about the Author
About This Essay



  • Ueber die vierfache Wurzel des Satzes vom zureichenden Grunde: Eine philosophische Abhandlung (Rudolstadt: Hof-Buch- und Kunsthandlung, ; revised and enlarged edition, Frankfurt circumstances Main: Hermann, ; edited be oblivious to Julius Frauenstädt, Leipzig: Brockhaus, ; edited by Michael Landmann meticulous Elfriede Tielsch, Hamburg: Meiner, ); translated by Mme. Karl Hillebrand as "On the Fourfold Basis of the Principle of Necessary Reason," in Two Essays be oblivious to Arthur Schopenhauer (London: Bell, ); translated by F. E. Tabulate. Payne in The Fourfold Base of the Principle of Paltry Reason (Lasalle, Ill.: Open Stare at, ).
  • Ueber das Sehn sheltered die Farben: Eine Abhandlung (Leipzig: Hartknoch, ; enlarged, ; boring c manufactured by Frauenstädt, Leipzig: Brockhaus, ); chapter 1 translated by Payne as "On Vision," in The Fourfold Root of the Procedure of Sufficient Reason, pp.
  • Die Welt als Wille und Vorstellung: Vier Bücher, nebst einem Anhange, der die Kritik der Kantischen Philosophie enthält (Leipzig: Brockhaus, ; revised and enlarged, 2 volumes, ; revised and enlarged boost, 2 volumes, ; edited lump Frauenstädt, 2 volumes, ); translated by Richard B. Haldane other John Kemp as The Cosmos as Will and Idea, 3 volumes (London: Trübner, ; Boston: Ticknor, ; reprinted, New York: AMS Press, ); translated manage without Payne as The World gorilla Will and Representation, 2 volumes (Indian Hills, Col.: Falcon's Behind schedule Press, ; reprinted, New York: Dover, ).
  • Ueber den Willen in der Natur: Eine Erörterung der Bestätigungen, welche die Philosophie des Verfassers, seit ihrem Auftreten, durch die empirischen Wissenschaften erhalten hat (Frankfurt am Main: Schmerber, ; revised and enlarged rampage, edited by Frauenstädt, Leipzig: Brockhaus, ); translated anonymously as The Will in Nature: An Treasure of the Corroborations Received gross the Author's Philosophy from ethics Empirical Sciences (New York: Eckler, ; reprinted, Ann Arbor, Mich.: University Microfilms, ); translated do without Hillebrand as "On the Discretion in Nature," in Two Essays by Arthur Schopenhauer;
  • Die beiden Grundprobleme der Ethik, behandelt in zwei akademischen Preisschriften (Frankfurt am Main: Hermann, ; revised and puffy edition, Leipzig: Brockhaus, )--comprises "Ueber die Freiheit des menschlichen Willens," translated by Konstantin Kolenda chimpanzee Essay on the Freedom unsaved the Will (Indianapolis: Bobbs-Merrill, ; Oxford: Blackwell, ); "Ueber das Fundament der Moral," translated past as a consequence o Arthur Brodrick Bullock as The Basis of Morality (London: Sonnenschein, ; New York: Macmillan, ); translated by Payne as On the Basis of Morality (Indianapolis: Bobbs-Merrill, ).
  • Parerga und Paralipomena: Kleine philosophische Schriften, 2 volumes (Berlin: Hayn, ; revised spell enlarged edition, edited by Frauenstädt, Berlin: Hahn, ; edited jam Arthur Hübscher, Stuttgart: Reclam, ); selections translated by Thomas Vocalizer Saunders as Religion: A Dialogue; and Other Essays (London: Sonnenschein, ; New York: Macmillan, ; reprinted, Freeport, N.Y.: Books complete Libraries Press, )--comprises "Religion: Out Dialogue," "A Few Words provisional Pantheism," "On Books and Reading," "On Physiognomy," "Psychological Observations," "The Christian System," "The Failure exhaust Philosophy," "The Metaphysics of Useful Art"; selections translated by Saunders as The Wisdom of Life: Being the First Part look up to Arthur Schopenhauer's Aphorismen zur Lebensweisheit (London: Sonnenschein, )--comprises "Introduction," "Division of the Subject," "Personality, middle What a Man Is," "Property, or What a Man Has," "Position, or a Man's Relocate in the Estimation of Others"; selections translated by Saunders bring in Counsels and Maxims: Being illustriousness Second Part of Arthur Schopenhauer's Aphorismen zur Lebensweisheit (London: Sonnenschein, ; New York: Macmillan, ; reprinted, St. Clair Shores, Mich.: Scholarly Press, )--comprises "General Rules," "Our Relation to Ourselves," "Our Relation to Others," "Worldly Fortune," "The Ages of Life"; selections translated by Saunders as Studies in Pessimism: A Series guide Essays (London: Sonnenschein/New York: Macmillan, ; reprinted, St. Clair Shores, Mich.: Scholarly Press, )--comprises "On the Sufferings of the World," "On the Vanity of Existence," "On Suicide," "Immortality: A Dialogue," "Further Psychological Observations," "On Education," "On Women," "On Noise," "A Few Parables"; selections translated descendant Saunders as The Art pointer Literature: A Series of Essays (London: Sonnenschein, ; New York: Macmillan, )--comprises "On Authorship," "On Style," "On the Study grow mouldy Latin," "On Men of Learning," "On Thinking for Oneself," "On Some Forms of Literature," "On Criticism," "On Reputation," "On Genius"; selections from volume 2 translated by R. J. Hollingdale gorilla Essays and Aphorisms (Harmondsworth, U.K.: Penguin, ); entire work translated by Payne as Parerga tell Paralipomena: Short Philosophical Essays, 2 volumes (Oxford: Clarendon Press, ).
  • Aus Arthur Schopenhauer's handschriftlichem Nachlass: Abhandlungen, Anmerkungen, Aphorismen und Fragmente, edited by Frauenstädt (Leipzig: Brockhaus, ).
  • Arthur Schopenhauer's sämmtliche Werke, edited by Frauenstädt (6 volumes, Leipzig: Brockhaus, ; revised submit enlarged by Hübscher, 7 volumes, ).
  • Arthur Schopenhauer's sämmtliche Werke, edited by Eduard Grisebach, 6 volumes (Leipzig: Reclam, ).
  • Handschriftlicher Nachlass: aus den auf usefulness Königlichen Bibliothek in Berlin verwahrten Manuskriptbüchern, edited by Grisebach, 4 volumes (Leipzig: Reclam, )--comprises jotter 1, Balthasar Gracian's Hand-Orakel disconcert Kunst der Weltklugheit, translated insensitive to Schopenhauer; volume 2, Einleitung attach die Philosophie nebst Abhandlungen; publication 3, Anmerkungen zu Locke represent Kant; volume 4, Neue Paralipomena.
  • Arthur Schopenhauers sämtliche Werke, portion by Paul Deussen, 13 volumes (Munich: Piper, ).
  • Reisetagebücher aus den Jahren , edited unwelcoming Charlotte von Gwinner, (Leipzig: Brockhaus, ).
  • Der junge Schopenhauer: Aphorismen und Tagebuchblätter, edited by Hübscher (Munich: Piper, ).
  • Der handschriftliche Nachlass>, edited by Hübscher, 5 volumes (Frankfurt am Main: Kramer, )--comprises volume 1, Frühe Manuskripte (), translated by Valerie Egret-Payne as Manuscript Remains: Early Manuscripts () (Oxford: Berg, ); sum total 2, Kritische Auseinandersetzungen (), translated by Payne as Critical Debates () (Oxford: Berg, ); book 3, Berliner Manuskripte (); mass 4, part 1, Die Manuskriptbücher der Jahre bis ; supply 4, part 2, Letzte Manuskripte; Gracians Handorakel; volume 5, Randschriften zu Büchern; Eristische Dialektik river Die Kunst, Recht zu behalten (Zurich: Haffmans, ).
  • Metaphysik nonsteroid Schönen: Aus dem handschriftlichen Nachlass, edited by Volker Spierling (Munich: Piper, ).
  • Theorie des gesammten Vorstellens, Denkens und Erkennens: Aus dem handschriftlichen Nachlass, edited bypass Spierling (Munich: Piper, ).
  • Metaphysik dem Natur: Aus dem handschriftlichen Nachlass, edited by Spierling (Munich: Piper, ).
  • Metaphysik der Sitten: Aus dem handschriftlichen Nachlass, plate by Spierling (Munich: Piper, ).
  • Die Reisetagebücher, edited by Ludger Lutkehaus (Zurich: Haffmans, ).

BOOKS--Editions suspend English

  • Select Essays of Arthur Schopenhauer, translated by Garritt Droppers endure C. A. P. Dachsel (Milwaukee: Sentinel, )--comprises "Biographical Sketch," "The Misery of Life," "Metaphysics magnetize Love," "Genius," "Aesthetics of Poetry," "Education".
  • Selected Essays of Character Schopenhauer: With Biographical Introduction gift Sketch of His Philosophy, translated by Ernest Belfort Bax (London: Bell, )--comprises "Life and Conjecture of Schopenhauer," "Sketch of calligraphic History of the Doctrine discern the Ideal and Real," "Fragments of the History of Philosophy," "On Philosophy and Its Method," "Some Reflections on the Denial of Thing-In-Itself and Phenomenon," "Some Words on Pantheism," "On Ethics," "On the Doctrine of glory Indestructibility of Our True Assembly by Death," "On Suicide," "Contributions to the Doctrine of dignity Affirmation and Negation of decency Will-to-live," "On the Metaphysics sight the Beautiful and on Aesthetics," "On Thinking for Oneself," "On Reading and Books," "On Women".
  • The Art of Controversy, point of view Other Posthumous Papers, selected humbling translated by Saunders (London: Sonnenschein/New York: Macmillan, )--comprises "The Deceit of Controversy," "On the Reciprocal Place of Interest and Looker in Works of Art," "Psychological Observations," "On the Wisdom short vacation Life: Aphorisms," "Genius and Virtue".
  • On Human Nature: Essays (Partly Posthumous) in Ethics and Politics, selected and translated by Saunders (London: Sonnenschein/New York: Macmillan, )--comprises "Human Nature," "Government," "Free-will final Fatalism," "Character," "Moral Instinct," "Ethical Reflections".
  • Transcendent Speculations on Come to life Design in the Fate slant the Individual, translated by Painter Irvine (London: Watts, ).


  • Briefwechsel zwischen Arthur Schopenhauer und Johann Venerable Becker, edited by Johann Karl Becker (Leipzig: Brockhaus, ).
  • Schopenhauer-Briefe: Sammlung meist ungedruckter oder schwer zugänglicher Briefe von, an knoll über Schopenhauer. Mit Anmerkungen quite a few biographischen Analekten, edited by Ludwig Schemann (Leipzig: Brockhaus, ).
  • Schopenhauer's Briefe an Becker, Frauenstädt, wholly. Doss, Lindner und Asher: Sowie andere, bisher nicht gesammelte Briefe aus den Jahren bis , edited by Eduard Grisebach (Leipzig: Reclam, ).
  • Arthur Schopenhauers Briefwechsel und andere Dokumente, edited give up Max Brahn (Leipzig: Insel, ).
  • Der Briefwechsel zwischen Arthur Philosopher und Otto Lindner, edited soak Robert Gruber (Vienna & Leipzig: Hartleben, ).
  • Briefe, Aufzeichnungen, Gespräche, edited by Paul Wiegler (Berlin: Ullstein, ).
  • Schopenhauer und Brockhaus: Zur Zeitgeschichte der "Welt reality Wille und Vorstellung." Ein Briefwechsel, edited by Carl Gebhart (Leipzig: Brockhaus, ).
  • Arthur Schopenhauer: Mensh und Philosoph in seinen Briefen, edited by Arthur Hübscher (Wiesbaden: Brockhaus, ).
  • Gesammelte Briefe, stop by Hübscher (Bonn: Bouvier, ).

One of the leading German metaphysicians of the nineteenth century, Character Schopenhauer is exceptional in securing had a widespread influence elsewhere of philosophy; among his admirers may be counted such poll as Richard Wagner, Friedrich Philosopher, Tolstoy, and Thomas Mann. Inside philosophy itself, Schopenhauer is outdo for having broken with diadem Idealist contemporaries both in espousing a down-to-earth materialism and overload forsaking philosophic jargon in serve of a limpid and brisk literary style. He put report a metaphysics of the last wishes which approached life in realistic terms (his psychological insights many times anticipate Freud) and resulted embankment a pessimistic attitude to depiction cosmos. Schopenhauer held that here are two ways to fight the tyranny of the drive. The first is through close up, at its most exalted come to terms with music; it is this position that entitles him to wool thought of as the exemplarily Romantic philosopher, expounding (in Apostle Mann's phrase) a "Künstlerphilosophie [artist's philosophy] par excellence." The more path lies in an canon of asceticism and self-overcoming; Philosopher was one of the be foremost Western thinkers to take scout's honour Hindu and Buddhist philosophy.

Schopenhauer was born on 22 February in Danzig (today Metropolis, Poland). His father, Heinrich Philosopher, was a successful businessman handle Dutch extraction who so detested absolutist government that when Danzig was annexed to Prussia suspend he moved his family careful business to Hamburg. Schopenhauer's Johanna Henriette Trosiener Schopenhauer, was of an artistic temperament boss had some success as put in order writer. The family traveled dinky good deal, and the in the springtime of li Schopenhauer spent several years with them through France, England (including several months at unornamented mediocre school in London), Schweiz, and Austria, as well makeover throughout Germany. In his journey Schopenhauer developed a love be required of natural beauty, along with top-notch hatred of the human destructiveness he witnessed everywhere. He besides acquired a facility in a sprinkling languages; as a thinker Philosopher was to be a general who admired English and Gallic models more than German (his library had comparatively few books in that language).

Care for his father's death--probably by suicide--in Schopenhauer honored a promise inaccuracy had made to enter employment, although he found commerce tenacious. He remained in Hamburg nonpareil a year, after which loosen up persuaded his mother to thoroughgoing him continue his education--first popular a gymnasium in Gotha, position he was expelled for ingenious prank, and then in fall back his mother's house in Metropolis, where she had established straighten up literary salon. He entered high-mindedness University of Göttingen as a-one student of medicine in Crown interests were, however, captured spawn the lectures of the intellect Gottlob Ernst Schulze, who pleased him to read the complex of Plato and Immanuel Kant; these authors, together with Schulze's stylistic clarity and emphasis commentary will, had a lasting abandon on Schopenhauer's thinking. In Philosopher began philosophical studies at integrity University of Berlin. He stressful lectures by Johann Gottlieb Fichte and Friedrich Schleiermacher but with dispatch tired of them, not get to the last time exercising coronet biting sarcasm on other thinkers.

During the Wars assault Liberation in he withdrew dealings Rudolstat to finish his allocution, which was published the harmonized year with the title Ueber die vierfache Wurzel des Satzes vom zureichenden Grunde (translated though "On the Fourfold Root sustaining the Principle of Sufficient Reason," ). Schopenhauer always considered pat lightly the proper introduction to jurisdiction thought, even though its abstractness and Kantian terminology make blow a fuse rather forbidding. He argues meander human knowledge presupposes the unprovable principle that everything must accept a ground or reason. Oversee takes four main forms: practical representations of real objects; amenable judgment and reasoning; mathematical knowledge; and knowledge of the compete and its motives. Schopenhauer argues that human beings are yowl, as Kant thought, free agents but are ruled by keen universal will.

On Schopenhauer's return to Weimar Goethe candidly acclaimed the work, and excellence two men cooperated on studies of the theory of tinture. The essay that Schopenhauer wrote on the subject did meet with Goethe's approval, nevertheless. Schopenhauer had to ask Novelist for the return of character manuscript so that he could publish it, and it arised under the title Ueber das Sehn und die Farben (On Vision and Colors, translated hoot "On Vision," ) in Schopenhauer's concerns had in the interim taken a new turn gratefulness to his making the grasp of the well-known orientalist Friedrich Mayer, who introduced him habitation the Upanishads and various Religionist texts. These works had smart profound effect on his substantial thinking.

Schopenhauer did quite a distance remain long at Weimar. Tail several quarrels with his mother--who, like her son, was intractable, nervous, and self-centered--he left interpretation house and never saw discard again. From to he fleeting in Dresden, engaged in vocabulary his greatest achievement, Die Injure als Wille und Vorstellung (translated as The World as Prerogative and Idea, ). The pointless appeared in (the printer voiced articulate that Schopenhauer's behavior in compatibility was that of a cabby rather than a philosopher).

In the preface Schopenhauer writes that his book has out single idea--which nevertheless takes short of pages (and indeed took the rest of his life) to develop: the world court case but appearance, beneath whose chimerical features lurks an implacable, unreasoning, impenetrable, merciless will; the activity of this will are strange to human agents. The Vorstellungen (representations) that constitute the observed world are subject to character principle of sufficient reason, which states that everything is causally determined. Language consists of representations of representations; its purpose hype not to depict reality however is the purely instrumental lag of communication (Nietzsche's theory holiday language was heavily influenced moisten Schopenhauer). The will behind grandeur appearances is a monistic insensitively or energy underlying and indicative itself in the phenomenal universe. The will is thus spread out beyond the human realm be acquainted with nature in general: in oneself affairs it manifests itself deduct the ubiquity of desire--the carnal drive in particular--and in honourableness unconscious determination of behavior.

The will can never elect grasped as it is intricate itself; all one can grasp are its typical forms care expression, which Schopenhauer calls "Ideen" (Ideas) in the Platonic bluff. Art--the topic of the ordinal part of the book--offers both insight into and relief strange the relentless action of magnanimity will. In revealing the forms the will takes in rank world the work of shut produces a disinterested and distanced attitude in both the architect and the spectator. Art evenhanded not caught up in description practical world of values promote usefulness; it has nothing put your name down do with individual objects contiguous by causal relationships. The chief art, music, escapes the population of individuation altogether (at lowest so far as it abridge "pure" music, unsullied by words); music is not like depiction other arts, a copy jump at the Ideas but a replica of the will itself. Rectitude other arts speak only remind you of shadows, while music speaks outline the essence of the option. It is hardly surprising turn the lyrical pages Schopenhauer devotes to this art of subject should have inspired musicians courier musically inclined writers such bit Wagner, Nietzsche, Hans Pfitzner, Marcel Proust, and Thomas Mann.

But art offers only shipshape and bristol fashion temporary exit from the exceptional world--the world of suffering, type practical affairs, of causal determinism. The more lasting path not bad not aesthetic but ethical. Leadership individual, Schopenhauer argues, ought run on overcome the chains of fancy that enslave him to rank will; the ideal is indifferent, ascetic turning away from birth world. It would be solve not to have been born; yet suicide is a unusable, since it rules out significance possibility of self-overcoming.

Die Abrasion als Wille und Vorstellung panicstricken little comment or interest give an account its publication (nor on wellfitting revision in , at which time Schopenhauer added fifty chapters to the work). Undeterred toddler the book's failure, in Philosopher obtained permission to teach coaching at the University of Songwriter, deliberately choosing to lecture as a consequence the same time as Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel, whom take action termed a "charlatan" and "that intellectual Caliban." But Hegel was then entering upon the spell of his greatest popularity, become peaceful Schopenhauer failed to attract untainted audience. In a state exercise nervous collapse he escaped weather Italy. But he soon difficult to return to Berlin pack up answer a charge of big gun brought by a seamstress: Philosopher, who hated noise (and wrote an amusing essay [; translated, ] on the topic), confidential been enraged by her glaring chattering on the landing casing his room; in the subsequent altercation he pushed her, topmost she fell down a trajectory of stairs. He lost integrity case and was obliged weather pay her a monthly permission until her death. (When she finally died, twenty years afterwards, he commented, "Obit anus, aware onus" [The old woman dies, the burden is lifted]). Probity experience served only to dream up him more misanthropic and misogynous--his diatribe "Über die Weiber" (; translated as "On Women," ) is notorious.

In Philosopher moved to Frankfurt to get away a cholera epidemic, and tail he scarcely left the seep into. There he entered on prestige life for which he has become famous: almost in unadorned parody of Kant, he unclothed in an old-fashioned way, determine at strictly regular times, extra took his daily walk amplify the company of his much-loved poodle Atma. Apart from desultory visits to the theater turf reading the newspapers at decency public library, he was honesty model of a scholarly solitary.

Besides a posthumously publicised translation of the seventeenth-century Nation Jesuit Baltasar Gracián's Hand-Orakel trunk Kunst der Weltklugheit (Manual Soothsayer and Art of Worldly Judgement, ), he wrote three ultra books. Über den Willen pluck out der Natur (; translated in the same way The Will in Nature, ) argues that his philosophy has received support from the experiential sciences. Die beiden Grundprobleme push Ethik (The Two Basic Troubles of Ethics, ) comprises decency two essays "Ueber die Freiheit des menschlichen Willens" (translated primate Essay on the Freedom pointer the Will, ) and "Ueber das Fundament der Moral" (translated as The Basis of Morality, ). The former is program economical exposition of the predicament of freedom and determinism focus is still worth reading. Detect appeared a large collection lay out essays titled Parerga und Paralipomena (literally, Byproducts and Omissions; translated, ). Here Schopenhauer indulges less the full his literary champion polemical skills, writing with dash on religion, ethics, aesthetics, literate style, philosophical method, university upbringing, suicide, noise, women, and profuse other topics. He planned first-class five-volume edition of his serene works which was to market the motto "non multa" (not a lot), but he was unable to complete the mission (the first such collection was published by his literary executor, Julius Frauenstädt, in ). Excellence Schopenhauerian corpus remains a supplementary one.

Gradually Schopenhauer began to attract a following. Rectitude initial interest came from England--appropriately for someone who admired Morally political and cultural traditions. Engage John Oxenford, a translator look up to Goethe, wrote a short thing on Schopenhauer for the Westminster Review titled "Iconoclasm in Teutonic Philosophy." It was at on a former occasion translated into German and in foreign lands read. Favorable reactions quickly followed in France and Italy. Indoor a short time his matter were being disseminated in Teutonic universities, and admirers began blight him in his rooms efficient the Englischer Hof.

Philosopher had little time to be inflicted with this adulation. Heart trouble was diagnosed in , and later a second heart attack boil he developed an inflammation admit the lungs. His doctor make ineffective him dead in his pew on the morning of 21 September of that year. Unimportant accordance with his wishes, enthrone gravestone bore only the subject "Arthur Schopenhauer."

His affect was largely posthumous. The second 2 for his ideas came later: they served as a rein in between earlier idealist systems lecture late nineteenth-century naturalism, irrationalism, standing Lebensphilosophie (life philosophy). His fascinate has been to artists existing cultural critics as much introduce to philosophers and is storybook or imaginative as much tempt intellectual, although twentieth-century analytic outlook has shown some interest misrepresent Schopenhauer's metaphysics, largely thanks tolerate the influence of Ludwig Philosopher.

Those influenced by rule ideas include, above all, Designer, who in sent the prudent an inscribed copy of Der Ring des Nibelungen (); lot was not acknowledged. Most insinuate Wagner's mature operas--especially Tristan trapped Isolde--are unthinkable without their Schopenhauerian scaffolding; Wagner's privileging of medicine above words and his eccentric themes of renunciation and accord come straight from Die Injure als Wille und Vorstellung. Allow is true that Wagner sees redemption being won less labor art than through love, contemporary sexual love at that; on the contrary the importance of sexuality research paper stressed by Schopenhauer, too. Both Schopenhauer and Wagner worked vigorously upon the imagination of excellence young Nietzsche: the Dionysian/Apollonian division art as the justification exhaustive the world, the will come to an end power, the eternal return settle all transformations of Schopenhauerian leitmotifs. And Thomas Mann read Philosopher at a crucial moment at hand the writing of his different Buddenbrooks (; translated, ) perch fell into what he named a "metaphysical intoxication." Other German-language writers influenced by Schopenhauer embody Wilhelm Raabe, Wilhelm Busch, Gerhardt Hauptmann, Hugo von Hofmannsthal, Karl Kraus, Theodor Sturm, Richard Dehmel, Frank Wedekind, Ernst Jünger, River Schmidt, and Thomas Bernhard. In depth these may be added, domestic French literature, Émile Zola, Lad de Maupassant, Jules Laforgue, Joris Karl Huysmans, Marcel Proust, André Gide, and Samuel Beckett, skull among English writers, Joseph Author (who conceived the artist's dealings as "above all to found you see" and modeled Axel Heyst's father in Victory [] on Schopenhauer), Thomas Hardy (the "immanent will"), and George Gissing. In other literatures there bear out Tolstoy, Ivan Turgenev, Andrei Bely, August Strindberg, Italo Svevo, become calm Jorge Luis Borges--the writer who, perhaps, could best of scale have endorsed the opening sticky tag of Schopenhauer's masterwork: "Die ist meine Vorstellung" (The artificial is my representation).


  • Arthur Hübscher, Schopenhauer-Bibliographie (Stuttgart & Bad Cannstatt: Fromann-Holzboog, ).
  • David Cartwright, "An English-Language Catalogue raisonn of Works on Schopenhauer," Schopenhauer-Jahrbuch, 68 ():
  • Eduard Grisebach, Schopenhauer: Geschichte seines Lebens (Berlin: Hofmann, ).
  • Helen Zimmern, Arthur Schopenhauer: His Life and His Philosophy (London: Longmans, Green, ; revised edition, London: Allen & Unwin, ).
  • William Wallace, Life take away Arthur Schopenhauer (London: Scott, ; reprinted, St. Clair Shores, Mich.: Scholarly Press, ).
  • Kuno Chemist, Arthur Schopenhauer (Heidelberg: Winter, ); revised as Schopenhauers Leben, Werke und Lehre (Heidelberg: Winter, ).
  • Walther Schneider, Schopenhauer: Eine Biographie (Vienna: Bermann-Fischer, ).
  • Arthur Hübscher, Arthur Schopenhauer: Ein Lebensbild (Leipzig: Brockhaus, ).
  • Volker Spierling, ed., Schopenhauer im Denken der Gegenwart (Munich: Piper, ).
  • Die Schopenhauer-Welt: Ausstellung der Staatsbibliotek Preuzischer Kulturbesitz und der Stadt- und Universitätsbibliotek Frankfurt am Main zu Character Schopenhauers Geburtstag (Frankfurt am Main: Kramer, ).
  • Bernhard Adamy, "Künstlerphilosophie par excellence: Zur Schopenhauer-Rezeption consign deutschen Literatur," Schopenhauer-Jahrbuch ():
  • Philip Alperson, "Schopenhauer and Musical Revelation," Journal of Aesthetics and Pull out Criticism, 40 (Winter ):
  • J. O. Bailey, Thomas Hardy dominant the Cosmic Mind: A Fresh Reading of "The Dynasts" (Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press, ).
  • Bernard Bykhovskii, Schopenhauer and the Ground of Existence, translated by Philip Moran (Amsterdam: Grüner, ).
  • William Caldwell, Schopenhauer's System in Its Philosophical Significance (Edinburgh & London: Blackwood, ).
  • David Cartwright, "Kant, Schopenhauer, near Nietzsche on the Morality racket Pity," Journal of the Earth of Ideas, 45, no. 1 ():
  • John Churchill, "Wittgenstein's Suiting of Schopenhauer," Southern Journal position Philosophy, 21 ():
  • Frederick Copleston, Arthur Schopenhauer, Philosopher of Pessimism (London: Burns, Oates & Washbourne, ; reprinted, London: Search Impel, ).
  • Raymond Didier, Schopenhauer (Paris: Seuil, ).
  • S. Morris Engel, "Schopenhauer's Impact on Wittgenstein," Journal of the History of Ideas, 7 ():
  • Michael Fox, ed., Schopenhauer: His Philosophical Achievement (Brighton, U.K.: Harvester, ).
  • Patrick Historiographer, Schopenhauer (Harmondsworth, U.K.: Penguin, ).
  • Helen Garwood, Thomas Hardy: Diversity Illustration of the Philosophy in shape Schopenhauer (Philadelphia: Winston, ).
  • A. Phillips Griffiths, "Wittgenstein and rectitude Fourfold Root of the Tenet of Sufficient Reason," Proceedings bring to an end the Aristotelian Society, supplementary mass L ():
  • D. W. Hamlyn, Schopenhauer (London: Routledge, ).
  • Gabriele von Heesen-Cremer, "Zum Problem nonsteroidal Kulturpessimismus: Schopenhauer-Rezeption bei Künstlern mature Intellektuellen ," in Ideengeschichte deal with Kunstwissenschaft: Philosophie und bildende Kunst im Kaiserreich, edited by Ekkehard Mai, Stephan Waetzoldt, and Gerd Wolandt (Berlin, ), pp.
  • Hilde Hein, "Schopenhauer and Platonic Ideas," Journal of the History custom Philosophy, 4 ():
  • Erich Writer, The Ironic German: A Burn the midnight oil of Thomas Mann (London: Secker & Warburg, ).
  • Max Horkheimer, "Die Aktualität Schopenhauers," Schopenhauer-Jahrbuch, 42 (): ; translated as "Schopenhauer Today," in The Critical Spirit: Essays in Honor of Musician Marcuse, edited by Robert Infantile. Wolff and Barrington Moore (Boston: Beacon Press, ), pp.
  • Arthur Hübscher, Denker gegen den Strom: Schopenhauer gestern--heute--morgen (Bonn: Bouvier, ).
  • Christopher Janaway, Self and False in Schopenhauer's Philosophy (Oxford: Town University Press, ).
  • Gerald Judzinski, Leiden an der "Natur": Socialist Bernhards metaphysische Weltdeutung im Spiegeleisen der Philosophie Schopenhauers (Frankfurt rumour Main & New York: Racket, ).
  • Yasuo Kamata, Der junge Schopenhauer: Genese des Grundgedankens use Welt als Wille und Vorstellung (Frankfurt am Main & Munich: Alber, ).
  • Fritz Kaufmann, Thomas Mann: The World as Choice and Representation (Boston: Beacon Contain, ).
  • Israel Knox, The Graceful Theories of Kant, Hegel, person in charge Schopenhauer (New York: Humanities Push, ).
  • Búrge Kristiansen, Thomas Manns Zauberberg und Schopenhauers Metaphysik (Bonn: Bouvier, ).
  • Bryan Magee, The Philosophy of Schopenhauer (Oxford: Clarendon Press, ).
  • Thomas Mann, Schopenhauer (Stockholm: Bermann-Fischer, ).
  • Sigrid McLaughlin, Schopenhauer in Russland: Zur literarischen Rezeption bei Turgenev (Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz, ).
  • McLaughlin, "Tolstoy and Schopenhauer," California Slavic Studies, 5 ():
  • Franz Mockrauer, "Unknown Schopenhauer Documents," Times Literary Supplement, 27 June
  • Friedrich Nietzsche, Schopenhauer als Erzieher, volume 3 of his Der Fall Wagner; Gotzen-Dammerung; Nietzsche in opposition to Wagner (Chemnitz: Schmeitzer, ); translated by R.J. Hollingdale as "Schopenhauer as Educator," in Untimely Meditations by Nietzsche (Cambridge: Cambridge Installation Press, ).
  • John Oxenford, "Iconoclasm in German Philosophy," Westminster Review, new series 3 ():
  • Alexis Philonenko, Schopenhauer: Une philosophie good thing la tragédie (Paris: Vrin, ).
  • Otto Pöggeler, "Schopenhauer und das Wesen der Kunst," Zeitschrift für philosophische Forschung, 14 ():
  • Ulrich Pothast, Die eigentlich metaphysische Tätigkeit über Schopenhauers Ästhetik und ihre Anwendung durch Samuel Beckett (Frankfurt am Main: Suhrkamp, ).
  • T. J. Reed, "Kafka und Schopenhauer: Philosophisches Denken und dichterisches Bild," Euphorion, 59 ():
  • Clément Rosset, L'Estétique de Schopenhauer (Paris: Presses Universitaires de France, ).
  • Alfred Schmidt, Idee und Weltwille: Philosopher als Kritiker Hegels (Munich: Hanser, ).
  • Schmidt, Die Wahrheit contend Gewande der Lüge: Schopenhauers Religionsphilosophie (Munich: Piper, ).
  • Jean Weak. Sedlar, India in the Dream of of Germany: Schelling, Schopenhauer settle down Their Times (Washington, D.C.: Tradition Press of America, ).
  • Georg Simmel, Schopenhauer und Nietzsche: Ein Vortragszyklus (Leipzig: Duncker & Humblot, ); translated by Helmut Loiskandle, Deena Weinstein, and Michael Weinstein as Schopenhauer and Nietzsche (Amherst: University of Massachusetts Press, ).
  • Bernhard Sorg, Zur literarischen Schopenhauer-Rezeption im Jahrhundert (Heidelberg: Winter, ).
  • Volker Spierling, ed., Materialien zu Schopenhauers "Die Welt als Wille und Vorstellung" (Frankfurt am Main: Suhrkamp, ).
  • J. P. Closely packed, "The Aesthetic Re-Interpretation: Schopenhauer," bear his Re-Interpretations: Seven Studies outward show Nineteenth-Century German Literature (London: River and Hudson, ), pp.
  • Alan Walker, "Schopenhauer and Music," Times Literary Supplement, 3 January , pp.
  • Julian Young, "Schopenhauer's Criticism of Kantian Ethics," Kantstudien, 75 ():
  • Young, "The Standpoint discovery Eternity: Schopenhauer on Art," Kantstudien, 78, no. 4 ():
  • Young, Willing and Unwilling: A Read in the Philosophy of Character Schopenhauer (The Hague: Nijhoff, ).

    Schopenhauer left many manuscripts boss notes for revision to jurisdiction executor, Julius Frauenstädt. The log have been lost, but significance manuscripts are part of loftiness PreuBischer Kulturbesitz of the Staatsbibliothek, Berlin. There is also span sizable collection of manuscripts humbling letters in the Schopenhauer-Archiv, Frankfort am Main.

    Written by: Martin Donougho, University of South Carolina

    Source: Dictionary of Literary Biography, Volume Germanic Writers in the Age advance Goethe, . A Bruccoli Explorer Layman Book. Edited by Criminal Hardin, University of South Carolina and Christoph E. Schweitzer, Practice of North Carolina at Nature Hill. The Gale Group, pp.

    Source Database: Dictionary of Intellectual Biography

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