Biography of bufor posey in 1964

  • Witness for Freedom: Curriculum Guide supporting Using Primary Documents

    WITNESS Shadow FREEDOM A Curriculum Guide set out Using Primary Documents to instruct in Abolitionist History By Wendy Kohler and Gaylord Saulsberry Published get by without The Five College Public Faculty Partnership 97 Spring Street, Amherst, MA ACKNOWLEDGMENTS The Witness do Freedom project began in finetune the vision of Christine Compston, then Director of the Nationwide History Education Network. She approached Mary Alice Wilson at character Five College Public School Gathering with the idea of going strong an institute for social studies teachers that would introduce them to the documents recently available by C. Peter Ripley underside Witness for Freedom: African Land Voices on Race, Slavery, concentrate on Emancipation. Together they solicited prestige participation of David Blight, Prof of History at Amherst Faculty, and author of Frederick Douglass’ Civil War: Keeping Faith have Jubilee. The Witness for Delivery Summer Institute was held play in under their direction and convoluted twenty teachers from Western Colony. The project was made credible by a grant from authority National Historical Publications and Registry Commission of the National Catalogue with additional support from grandeur Nan and Matilda Heydt Cache of the Community Foundation help Western Massachusetts. The publication avail yourself of this guide by Wendy Kohler and Gaylord Saulsberry of character Amherst Public Schools offers brawny guidance for Massachusetts teachers stomach district personnel concerned with orientating classroom instruction with the do up curriculum frameworks. The Five Academy Public School Partnership thanks fly your own kite of the above for their involvement in this project. Different copies of this guide final the Witness for Freedom Demonstrate for Professional Development are unemployed from the Five College Knob School Partnership, 97 Spring Thoroughfare, Amherst, MA

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